Congratulations on your pregnancy! Our due date calculator can help predict your estimated due date so that you can prepare for your baby’s arrival.
Whether you conceived via IVF or IUI treatment, or happened to fall pregnant naturally, our pregnancy calculator can work out when your little one is due:
Use the dropdown options below to enter your information. Once the calculator has crunched the numbers, it will reveal your estimated due date (EDD).
For more information or to book an appointment with one of our fertility doctors, please call (03) 8080 8933 or email Fertility appointments can also be booked via our online booking page.
Our three Melbourne clinics are based in Box Hill, Clayton and East Melbourne and are open Monday–Friday: 8:00am–5:00pm. We welcome patients from all over Victoria, as well as those seeking care interstate or internationally. All fertility treatment requiring day surgery or lab access (e.g. egg collection, embryo transfer) will take place at our state-of-the-art treatment centre in Box Hill. Fertility consultations and IVF cycle monitoring can be arranged at all three Melbourne clinics.
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