Mind-body techniques that can help manage stress during your fertility journey

How is this related to fertility? Individuals and couples dealing with fertility issues typically experience very high levels of stress and anxiety.Unfortunately, studies have shown an association between anxiety, elevations in cortisol (your body’s stress hormone) and fertility problems.2  This suggests that the actual stress of infertility may further hinder an individual’s or couple’s chances of conceiving. Mind-body techniques aim to address the mental and emotional wellbeing of an individual or couple trying to conceive and in doing so, help to reduce any role that stress may be playing in preventing them from falling pregnant.

Before I go on to explain some of the more common mind-body techniques, it’s important to be aware that high-quality evidence to support the use of these techniques in the setting of infertility is currently limited. This is because the effects of how we think and feel on our health can be difficult to measure. However, the research that does exist is certainly thought-provoking. There are also many passionate testimonials from individuals and couples who believe these techniques improved their overall health and wellbeing, and contributed to their success in getting pregnant by helping them to cope better with the challenges they were facing. Thus, while these techniques may not directly improve pregnancy rates, fertility specialists often offer them as an adjunct to other treatment in order to help patients/couples better manage the emotional toll and relationship stresses of fertility treatment, including IVF.

Some of the more popular techniques include:

1. Relaxation training

These techniques involve refocusing your attention on something that is calming to help relax the mind and body. There are many ways to achieve this, including breathing exercises, mindfulness, meditation and progressive muscle relaxation. These techniques have been linked to reduced negative emotions in a range of patients, and more specifically, have been shown to reduce levels of anxiety in women undergoing fertility treatment.They are a good option because they can be practised almost anywhere and at little or no cost.

2. Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT)

CBT is a form of psychotherapy (‘talking therapy’) that focuses on how our thoughts influence how we feel and what we do. It involves helping the patient to recognise negative and often repetitive thought patterns like “I can’t have a baby” or “It’s my fault that we aren’t conceiving”, and challenging them. In doing so, it encourages the individual to assess how realistic or rational their thoughts are, to be aware of the impact their thoughts may be having on how they are feeling, and to try and replace these thoughts with more helpful, positive ways of thinking. CBT may not directly change your ability to conceive but it may help to improve your perspective on the challenges you are facing and your overall outlook – thereby reducing stress and anxiety.4

3. Mindfulness

Mindfulness refers to a state in which we are able to maintain a very clear focus on our present thoughts, feelings, bodily sensations, and surrounding environment. It teaches us to be ‘in the moment’, so that we are less overwhelmed by past experiences and future concerns. A recent study demonstrated higher rates of pregnancy with IVF when women practised mindfulness, compared to those who did not.5  There is also strong evidence that mindfulness-based stress reduction can lower the levels of stress hormones in our body, and that being ‘more present’ can help a woman to better frame and process her experiences with fertility treatment.6

4. Social support

Infertility is often a silent struggle and despite its prevalence, many women choose not to share their story with friends or family. If you are experiencing this, it can be helpful to identify someone who can empathise with you and provide a healthy outlet for any confusion and sadness you may be feeling. Social support has been found to be particularly helpful in cases where women are feeling isolated as a result of their infertility. There are now also many organised groups where people with fertility issues can come together to discuss and share their experiences, including face-to-face groups, peer support programs and online discussion forums. There is good evidence that participating in support groups can reduce distress and anxiety, improving both your quality of life and chances of pregnancy.3

5. Exercise

It is well recognised that physical activity can reap huge emotional benefits through the release of ‘feel-good’ hormones called endorphins. These hormones can act as both a pain reliever and happiness booster. Australian guidelines recommend at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity, such as walking or dancing, on most days of the week. If possible, some vigorous exercise, like cycling or running, should be performed at least once a week. Research into the effects of exercise on fertility has found that moderate exercise decreases the risk of miscarriage and increases the chances of conceiving in women undergoing assisted reproductive technology.Vigorous exercise has also been shown to reduce the risk of ovulation problems.Regular exercise can also lead to weight loss, which can help improve fertility if you are carrying extra weight.8

In conclusion, while further research is clearly needed in this area, using mind-body techniques throughout your fertility journey can certainly contribute to your physical and mental wellbeing as you strive to become pregnant. Here at Newlife IVF, we aim to provide individuals and couples with a genuinely supportive experience as they undergo fertility treatment. Our class-leading IVF counsellors are also available to meet with patients 1:1 and/or in organised group sessions over the course of their treatment journey. To make an appointment with one of our fertility specialists or to get a second opinion, call Newlife IVF on (03) 8080 8933. Alternatively, you can book online via our appointments page.


  1. Lakatos E et al. BMC Womens Health2017;17:48.
  2. Cwikel J et al. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol2004;117:126–131.
  3. Domar AD et al.Health Psychol 2000;19:568–575.
  4. Faramarzi et al. Int J Fertil Steril 2013;7:199–206.
  5. Li J et al.Behav Res Ther 2016;77:96–104.
  6. Nery SF et al. Stress Health2019;35:49–58.
  7. Homan G, Norman RJ Hum Reprod2012;27:2396–2404.
  8. Best D et al. Hum Reprod Update 2017;26(6):681–705.


Is egg freezing right for you?

In principle, egg freezing sounds simple enough – have some eggs collected, freeze them for storage, then thaw them when you’re ready to undergo fertility treatment – providing you with a chance to store your eggs while you’re still young and beat the biological clock. But what exactly does egg freezing involve and are you an appropriate candidate?

Why freeze your eggs?

You may want to consider freezing your eggs if you’re worried about your fertility declining but your life circumstances mean that you’re simply not ready to start a family. Alternatively, you may have a medical condition or be receiving medical treatment that could affect your fertility. If you’re a female transitioning to a male, you may wish to preserve your fertility before starting reconstructive or hormonal therapy, which can lead to a loss of your fertility.

What does the egg freezing process involve?

The first stage of egg freezing is ovarian stimulation, which involves 10–14 days of hormone injections to stimulate your ovaries to produce multiple eggs. There are various techniques used for stimulation and your fertility specialist will decide, together with you, which is most suitable for you. The developing follicles, which contain your eggs, are monitored by ultrasound and sometimes by blood hormone levels to determine when they are ready to be collected.

When mature, your eggs are collected (usually while you’re under sedation rather than general anaesthetic), frozen and put into storage. In most cases, frozen eggs can be stored for up to 10 years.

When you’re ready to have a baby, the eggs are then thawed and used in IVF treatment. This involves fertilising your eggs with sperm using a method called intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI), whereby sperm is injected directly into the egg. The embryos are then grown in the lab for up to 6 days and then transferred to your uterus (womb).

Factors to consider when deciding whether to freeze your eggs

1. Success rates

Egg freezing is an established procedure. It has now been two decades since the world’s first pregnancy using frozen eggs and over this time, there have been notable improvements in the technology and processes we use. High rates of success can now be expected when circumstances are optimal. A 2017 study showed that freezing 20 eggs before the age of 35 gives a 90% chance of having a baby.1

When considering these statistics, it is important to note that the number of women who actually go on to use their frozen eggs is still quite low. In 2017–18, less than 1% of IVF cycles in Victoria involved the use of a woman’s own thawed eggs.2  The data on egg freezing success rates are challenging to compile because many women choose not to use their eggs for many years after freezing and some may not use them at all. Furthermore, current figures may not reflect advances in egg freezing technology because the results are from a period when clinics were using different ‘slow freezing’ techniques.

In terms of understanding the success rates for frozen eggs compared to ‘fresh’ (recently retrieved) eggs, a study published in the Journal of Human Reproduction in 2010 examined the success of IVF in 600 women, half of whom were assigned ‘fresh’ eggs while the other half were given frozen and thawed eggs.The study found no significant difference in pregnancy rates between the two groups of women, concluding that freezing eggs and thawing them for later use has no effects on success rates. According to these findings, the likelihood that your eggs will result in a pregnancy will be the same whether you choose to freeze and use them later or use them straightaway.

2. Age

The age at which you choose to freeze your eggs is key to your chances of having a baby – the younger you are, the better. Egg quality declines more rapidly after the age of 35, so the best time to freeze your eggs is in your 20s and early 30s.Unfortunately, eggs collected from older women are less likely to form viable embryos and are also less likely to successfully implant in the wall of the womb. Thus, if you decide to freeze your eggs when you are older, we typically need to collect more eggs to ensure at least one egg is of suitable quality to result in a baby. However, as women age, they also have fewer eggs, so only a small number of eggs may be available for collection and freezing. If this is the case, you may need more than one treatment cycle to collect an adequate number of eggs for storage.

Both the number and quality of eggs available for freezing are important, because at each step in the freezing and subsequent IVF process, there is a risk that some are lost. Of the eggs that are collected, some may not be appropriate for freezing, some may not survive the thawing process, and some may not be fertilised or successfully develop into embryos.

3. Costs

In Australia, fertility treatment is only covered by Medicare and other government subsidies when there is a medical need for the treatment. If you freeze your eggs for non-medical reasons (i.e. ‘elective egg freezing’), you won’t be eligible for Medicare assistance.

For detailed information about the costs associated with egg freezing, please visit our fees page.

*Does not include hospital fees; Does not include medications or hospital fees.

What are the alternative options?

If freezing your eggs is not a suitable option for you, other potential options include:

When considering your fertility and the options for extending it, there is no one-size-fits-all approach. As with all aspects of fertility care, the best decision for you is the one that is personalised to your individual situation.

Learn more information about Newlife IVF’s egg freezing services. If you would like to discuss your options with one of our fertility specialists, please call Newlife IVF on (03) 8080 8933. Alternatively, you can book online via our appointments page.


  1. Munné S et al. Human Reprod 2017; 32(4):743–749.
  2. Victorian Assisted Reproductive Treatment Authority. Annual Report 2018.
  3. Cobo A et al. Human Reprod 2010; 25(9):2239–2246.
  4. Saumet J et al. J Obstet Gynaeocol Can 2018; 40(3):356–368.